Home » FAQ | Frequently Asked Cut-Down Duck Call Questions
What is a “CUT-DOWN” Duck Call?
A CUT-DOWN duck call is a duck call that has been modified and the tone board cut or reshaped from its original design. This provides more realism and variety to your calling. It provides a very effective sound and gives you an edge over the hunters around you. The CUT-DOWN has evolved dramatically and become the call to hunt with. The CUT-DOWN is the most effective duck call on the market, from a public land duck hunter’s standpoint, the CUT-DOWN is the only call to use because it has a significant proven track record of bringing mallards to the decoys consistently.
Hey Kirk, I’m new to cut-down duck calls and don’t know which would be best to get started. Can you help

What are some tips on how to blow a cut-down duck call?
How to blow a cut-down duck call.
Kirk demonstrates a cut-down duck call while hunting
Check out the video to see me demonstrate how to use a cutdown duck call while duck hunting.
Blowing a Cut-down tip 1: Basic quack is just air, you don’t have to grunt in to it, or growl in to it.
Blowing a Cut-Down tip 2: You don’t have to be the loudest duck call in the woods.
Blowing a Cut-Down tip 3: The rhythm of the chatter can be the most effective part of your call.
Are all your Cut-Down inserts the same?
No, each insert has it’s different cut, shape and profile. I design, cut, tune every call sold.
What about your KM OUTLAW duck calls and the different inserts? Could you describe them and what they bring to the table?
All the KM OUTLAW INSERTS have a centralizer and self sealing flange. Each additional insert comes with a threaded protective sleeve. If you buy all five inserts it can make your KM OUTLAW CUTDOWN like five calls in one. Check out the below videos for the differences in insert sound.
Hear the KM OUTLAW Cut-Down duck call with the MC-50 Insert.
Hear the KM OUTLAW Cut-down duck call with the Flared Insert.
Hear the KM OUTLAW Cut-down duck call with the Shorty Insert.
KM OUTLAW Duck Call Inserts differences.
Kirk you’re a big supporter of public land hunting. Do you have any tips for a successful duck hunt on flooded timber?
Success is based on planning, organization & good hunting skills. The greatest skill of all on public land is circumventing people.
Basic duck hunting skills work today and the ducks don’t care how much money you have in your wallet or your bank account or what truck you drove to the boat launch. Duck hunting can be for anybody and everybody.
Kirk McCullough talks about hunting public lands.
Public Land Boat Hiding tips
Public Land – First Come, First Serve.